Monday, March 9, 2009

Jan, Feb, early March 2009

The first 2 months of 2009 have flown by! Riley and Hunter are both in school now and loving it! Riley recently changed classes where she is one of the younger students but she is excelling and have lots of fun. Hunter is also enjoying her class as well...her teacher is wonderful...only challenge we have is that she doesn't like to nap much at school so she's exhausted when she comes home everyday!

Hunter is officially crawling and getting faster every day so the world is getting very fun now! She's also pulling up on everything and ready to start walking. She's also "talking" more and more...she has "momma" and "dada" down pat. She's still growing like a weed and is moving into size 18 month clothes even though she's only 9 months old! I think she's going to be even taller than Riley. She just had her first double ear infection but she's a real trooper and barely complained thru the infection and she's on a quick road to recovery...thank goodness for antibiotics!

Riley is doing fantastic in school. She's getting very good at writing her letters - they have been working on verbs...very funny to have a 3 year old analyze your statements and let you know if you used a verb in your sentence! They are also working on vowels so it amazes me to watch her analyze a word and point out what vowels you used. She truly is amazing and I know I'm biased but her language skills and analytical skills at such a young age are intriguing! She is definitely going to be a lawyer when she grows up...she will talk you to death to make her point and make sure you agree with her side of the story! For the record I think Hunter will be an engineer...she couldn't care less about playing with a toy- she wants to examine it and how it's made and put together!

Chris and I are doing fine...Chris's busy time is coming with work as the weather is warming up. Despite the media's concern with Bank of America, my group is hard at work and as busy as ever and we're doing great! We are very excited that Mimi and Papa Chip are coming to Hotlanta this week for the ACC Tournament (Go Heels) and we can't wait to see them!

Hope you all are doing well...let us hear from you.